Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Why Post "IT" as a Childhood Influence....

as a small child leaving from school... (old Beaver Dam Academy building)... in the storm-drain (like this one)... we thought that we saw a "Clown ....(hair covered more on top ... like a "fright wig"... bright red and with the round red nose) only saw it a time or two more... was just remembering that the other day... long before "IT"...
another creepy childhood memory... even remember when the rescue squad had to remove a terrified kid from that storm drain... he was too fat to have crawled through the small pipe... he did say something about a "clown" between his sobs....

1 comment:

  1. that was in 70 or 71' ... but, whoever heard of a "clown" in the sewer...???
