Thursday, August 6, 2015

Another Post About the "Crypt".....

                      With the Fourth Anniversary of my Blog nearly upon me....
This "Blogging" (still not really sure what I am supposed to do...) we try to give viewers something a bit "different" and post some things (like Monsters and The Joker) that I enjoy as well....

Over the years the "fan-base" and many of the views are from all over the world... the above image was sent to me by a viewer... Some "fan" Pasted a large poster of "Dr. Theda" on this overpass (somewhere in upper eastern Europe) ... We still get a "Smile" from this one....!!!
(never thought of us as having "fans"... Cool....
                                           we have always "underestimated" ourself...

                     Well back off to the depths of old Wormwood Manor ... Later Kiddies......

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