The "horrors" of my youth and my attempt at a Pumpkin Patch...and many other things...come on into the Crypt and look around... Dr. Theda
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Friends Visiting...
This Town thinks of Stacey as "Bad Company" (voted Greatest Villain", as well) We are the Town "Boogeyman" as well..... so Fitting tune...
As "Scarface" would say....
and yes we have "Blue Eyes"....
Just hanging out with Friends and listening to a bit of Music...
One for Marshville....
Arthur Smith of Charlotte wrote and made This song... was used in movie without his "permission",,, He complained... the Studio "laughed" at him... He sued the hell out of them...
Don't FV<K with us "Southerners"....
We were in better health (Not "mentally, thought .. some of the "issues" at the time of) in the photo...