and the 5-Day Forecast shows it getting hotter each day till temps reach 100 (not including "heat index") mid-90's outside ... a bit hotter inside though... have to limit my activity for now...

and this is only the beginning of the Hot Days of this Summer.... Many more to endure....

And only a small fan to be of any "relief"... thought about crawling into the freezer atop my fridge... (no food-stuffs in there and we are skinny enough to fit)... just short stays several times each day...???
adout all that I can think of... If can get to Charlotte could get a 100 lbs of "dry Ice" and seal off a room to coll... ( Will have to step out often for air...)
...Just "Thinking" for now... We will come up with "something" to ensure Stacey's "survival"...
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