just now having my first cup of coffee....
Just got up around 1:00pm... (good because it was well after 10:00am before I fell asleep...)
Eight whole views over the last two hour..... that is rather "sad"......
That and the oppressive heat and humidity ( making breathing difficult at best... and any amount of activity for now will cause severe coughing spasms).... Might try to lay back down while this Long day passes and nightfall comes... normally with cooler temps...
But we have decided to Not allow most things to bother us....
Life is just too short to waste on "trivial" problems.....

Alex to have built up my "hopes" and then never showing up (or even calling) pissed me off to the point where we where giving serious thought to bringing down a "Curse" upon his "loved ones".. (including his beloved baby girl.....) "cursing a baby"... that will get you a one-way ticket straight to Hell.... We never expect much from people ... (even Friends)... as for him to have lied to my best Friend and me that he would be here last Sunday to fix computer... my Friend was even going to pay him for me...
As with most All Humans that we ever deal with ... Humans LIE... (Some much more that others)...
Had thought of Alex as one of my only "Friends"....
... But then, Stacey is often a very poor Judge of "character"...

Just goes to show . never trust "Anyone" ...best to just believe that all that comes out of their mouths as nothing but "Lies"....
So just have my broken Sims world ... we try for many hours each day. to further "fix" it ... but with very little success... we Really want our "Spore" game worlds back....
Now my Sims game is "dead" as well...
ReplyDeleteWorked since this posted "comment" to see "what" (if "anything") ... could be done to have "Something"... will loose weeks of work (from the time I get up till I go to sleep for a bit) we are Always trying to make a "fun" , playable Game World into which we can "escape from "Life's Problems" for a bit....