was up till well after Dawn.... My Friend stopped by for just a few moments around Noon... he stopped to tell me that he (and Family) were on their way to the Beach for about a week....
wishing them a great vacation time... (his Dad really deserves it , after all the "crap" that he (and them) have had to endure , just since last Summer...
The Giant Ferris Wheel is a newer addition to Myrtle Beach...
Have Not been to the Beach since Summer 0f 1990.... (that was when I lost my wallet in the car that we were driving.... and the Owners later used my ID to write 390+ bad checks in my name... That trip ... My old Friend was steadily "Bitched at" by his "ex-Druggie" Shrew of a "B*tch"...
so not that pleasant of a trip... that was the last time that Stacey went on any type of "Vacation...
.... and , most likely his last.... ... and NC beaches look bad these days ... murky brownish-green waters... recent shark attacks on kids... and the only "shells" to be found are bits of Scollops' shell...
Way too many people at Mytrle Beach....and Crime there has gotten really bad...
... not the fun and pleasant place that I remember from my Childhood....
My fondest memories of our Beach Vacations are of wandering through Castle Dracula's Wax Museum" often for more than an hour each visit.... looking at and then re-looking at (often just satring at some of my favorite displays"...) that is a treasured childhood memory... and we have so "few"...

back in 77' (when I was a kid) ... This was my favorite thing at the Beach... it was sadly torn down long ago ... once stood about where the built their "Rock-ola Cafe" years later.....
Just broke (bills got me good this month), and "depressed"....
ReplyDeletedo not even feel like messing with my Sims... the heat ( and mainly the "Sunlight") are miserable here... and Hotter days soon as well....