Saturday, January 31, 2015

Well, We are Still Alive Today...

                                              That's a "good" thing, I guess.....
                                My Friend has gone to clean up his vehicle....
     There was No way to have seen that irrigation ditch among the frozen dead weeds....

     Sat alone in that darkened field (surrounded by black, shadowy woods encircling)....
In an area known for "strange things" at the old Rock Pit.... Some vicious breed of Eels dwell in the waters there ... (they have a "nasty" set of teeth....)


  1. Water is too cold and we do Not go swimming....
    Would like to have 2 or 3 in an aquarium...

  2. What an adventure - not very pleasant but I am pleased you returned in 1 piece.

  3. Are you sure you're not dead???????
