Friday, January 30, 2015

We Thought That Yesterday was Friday....

                          We tend to get our days "mixed-up" more often these days....
we have No "pattern" or daily "routines" that we do for us to keep track of Days.. all we do is just "pass time"... we sleep such odd hours... and often loose track of our days... not that knowing "what day it is" of little importance different time , same crap.... live Alone and have no TV... so "Time" is of little matter in my Life... ( other that the fact that Stacey's time is "limited"... , but just "how much" time is the big Question)...
  so, we just trudge along keep going for now... either that or just sit here and await our demise...


  1. Love that freaky graphic! I frequently don't know what day of the week it is. And I've got plenty of routines and patterns!

  2. We just tend to loose track of Time much often...
