Saturday, January 24, 2015

About to Start Staying in the Room at the Back of the House...

We are already pretty much a "prisoner" in my own Home... We seldom ever leave the house anymore , except for the doctor appointments in Monroe ( the ones that we do not "Cancel")
          just "hide away from the world... not even associate with people, even my few Friends...
                                          We just cannot take All of this "Crap"....
There is little to No Chance of things "improving".... so only more "Misery" to which to look forward


  1. So I'm guessing things aren't really going that well for you

  2. Well lets just say that we came up with a quick method of suicide... Stab my antique ice pick between the upper ribs of my left side.... thus, puncturing the "bolus" (large fluid-filled "orb") that rests atop that dead lung .... it would rupture , my lungs will collapse and Stacey will then drown in his own fluids...
    .... Less "messy" than our other two ideas...
    a "foul train of thoughts" for the last 24 hours... Why can't these "officials" leave me alone and stop trying to take my home by "re-doing" the paper work... Have had to have them "Re-do" their Errors on the paperwork for this piece of property 8 times already... this will make 9 times.... This Corrupt "Red-Neck" county has about pushed us a bit too far ... to where Death is preferable to living here...
