Sunday, January 18, 2015

Something Upsetting Me....

in going over the older posts here at the "Crypt" ... we are discovering that You Tube has removed over Half of the "clips" that we have included in posts...
                               Thanks to the passing of the CAS back in March of 2013...

     Now even some Images are being removed as well .. by these same "Copyright Police"
We tried repeatedly to warn you viewers of this... (a small "sub-article" included in the "Trans Pacific Trade Agreement"... That and the "wording' of it is being used to take away many of the "freedoms' of Internet users... What New Regulations will "Big Brother" use to take from us next...

1 comment:

  1. Our President shut down NASA and removed ( or greatly reduced) many "Social Programs"... he did see to it that the "Free" Government cell phones were Greatly "Upgraded" and now "Texting" and More that Three times as many minutes each month..
    And opened up a whole new Gov. Organization to Enforce the CAS....
