Hello from Marshville....
breathing rather good today... except for a couple of short periods, we have been sleeping for the last day and a half.... felt drained of energy... for the first time in many years , my bad nervous condition is barely noticeable..
... guess that too much sleep is not very good for us...
feels "odd"... I am accustomed to my nerves being "shot"... do not really feel like myself today...
back and shoulder hurt some from lying down for so long..

We have had time to "Think" about "things".... And though the Future looks rather "bleak"..
We will stay and Endure....
So we will just sit in this corner...
My only other choice would be to just "give up".... depression can be very bad sometimes... and we are "stuck" here... wishing all of you a pleasant day.. give us a bit and we will post more....
Beginning to feel better... give us a bit to take care of some (neglected) things and fix a bite to eat ... and we will return....