Hello Viewers.... from Marshville....(NC)

Very Cold....
Still feeling very "low"... sorry about that....
on the "bright side"... the Jacket for my Joker figure arrived.... now to change out outfits....

Will use the shirt and vest from another figure ... (the "real" ones from "Hot Toys" sell for the "shirt" $ 40.00+ and the vest around $40.00 ... if you can find them)... cannot afford this figure... so am building my own using (mostly) the original parts...

Cold and "dreary" outside.... rather cold in this one room ... anywhere (more than a foot from the small heater... even right up beside of the unit, the air is "icy"... will wrap a blanket around myself shortly.... Sorry that I allowed the "things" of ths little Town to "get to me"...

Last road on the right out Elm St.just before you reach the cemetery on the hill heading towards New Salem....
... several possible "Horror movie" titles from that address...

the "Chill of Winter".... will be getting much colder for about a week (at least) ... will have to bring in "Casper" (my Dog)... He has never had a Bath...(this is going to be "fun")... and was "traumatized" as a pup by being locked in a bathroom all day ... so he may not take to well to bathing.... but he does "Smell"... and will have to block off Kitchen (way Too "toxic" from all of the bug poisons)... )
He does enjoy being inside the house... |
So .... trying to look on the "Bright Side" of "Things"....
and my Sister got me some Drapes... turned out to be too small for the window,... but, will work well for the kitchen doorway... (help to keep in the heat better)...

Was just playing this "character" at Spore, for the time...

Well back off to "escape" from my troubles as I make my last pot of Coffee..(till late this afternoon)

Yeah its going to get really cold here this weekend talking below zero!
ReplyDeleteYes I have to make sure that my Dog does not get too cold... (that is how his brother died)..