Monday, October 17, 2011

More Night Gallery

A rather creepy tale of an old man who tells a young boy (Vincent van Patton) to dig beneath an old tree ...there he will find buried a :Big Suprise" a bit humorous ending intended to scare children....
Our next offering is entitled "Brenda" about a very "hateful" and lonely little girl and her new "friend" She returns many years later to find her only childhood friend.... (Sorry not allowing me the Video Clips)
                                                        Another one without Video....Sorry
This time around the evil tribal witch doctor Who sits in his hut surrounded by rows of shrunken heads hanging from crude racks..... He uses his great powers of darkness to intimidate new people to his lands..... He knows "All" , for he knows the secrets of the ancients..... For he can speak with their spirits through the Heads....the old witch woman does not like his magical torments of the young lady and puts a stop to Logoda's riegn of terror After terrible screams are heard from Logoda's hut the natives finally enter after the screaming stops... They look down upon the ripped up body of the feared witch doctor ....The Old witch lady enters behind them  as they turn to face her , she states:"Logoda knew how to make the heads talk....I know how to make them Kill..."( each little shrunken head has a small bloody bit of flesh in its mouth.......)
 I really liked those stories of my youth..... the Doctor

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