Well it has now been a month and a half since Alex re-did my Spore game....
We Lost "Everything"... and had to start over with a blank Galaxy....
We have spent over 300 hours since trying to piece together a"playable" game-world....
We have had a bit of Success (here and there).... but Far from anything like we had....
the going is very Slow.... but we keep at it.... and it does help us to not "Think" about other "issues"...
Thus far, most All of my Empires are still rather small....
These are the great Empires that we Lost when the game was re-installed....
Now at 11 (only a few have had much of any play-time, thus have not "advanced" into the game...)
but simply just "exist",... for now....
The Jawa Empire is one of the few to have advanced much, thus far....
And my Dalek Empire has only "started"....
And, there is no "recovering my Sims "game-World"... All of the Sims Characters, that we enjoyed are now Lost....
School resumed today around here... yesterday was the last day of Summer Vacation...
( this saying has hung upon my wall for nearly Forty years)
Seems that we should Not have shared some (older) songs that we enjoy (these often help to lift us up when we are rather Sad)...
One that we had enjoyed listening to since our childhood...
We leave one last attempt at a pleasant old song that (in the past) we have enjoyed...
Much lower number of views that we have been getting..
And my Sims game world (which we also lost last month, is Not "fixable" this time around..
So we will not get to enjoy Sims again... Well maybe Life will be too short for us to notice its absence in our life... Just the loss of one of the only things that we have had, from which we have been able to draw for ourself any form of "pleasure" in this miserable Life...
Many that we have thought of as our "Friend" in the past have proved to us just how "mistaken" that were were int thinking well of others... most are only out to try and use you for whatever they can... and when you can no longer be the "Crutch"for their support (because you cannot even afford to help or support yourself) these "so-called""Friends" are quick to desert you....
So have even lost my "non-existent computer-generated" "Friends" from Sims...
And we tried to share a few songs that can lessen the misery of Life... (Showed me that it was a "Mistake" to have tried)....
Taught us to "Think Twice" before we share anything with others... and when dealing with others, we will speak much less... why even bother others with things that I enjoy... we will even become more reclusive... and will even have less to do with the few Friends that we do have...
Seems we were Right to not want much to do with Humans.... They can really make you and your thoughts seem very "unimportant" and at times even make a person feel "ashamed" for liking things from which we derive any-type of "pleasure" in this Miserable World...
As the Joker would say... and He has a point...
hopes of "better" things" in our lives are more often than Not... only building "Castles in the air"...
but in our desperation, we tend to hold onto these "useless Hopes" (often they are the Only thing that we have) ... just Smile , so others will not see you"saddened"... and "act" as if "All is Well"...
Forgot to have my Sister pick up any Sugar... well, really too hot in here to drink coffee, anyway...
For yes ...we do remember our Friend from 3rd grade
and a song for and old childhood friend ... who contacted me (after all these Years) by E-mail...
A song that my best Friend says reminds him of Stacey....
( Times may only get worse.... so, these may well be the "Best of Times" for us....)
a bit of Styx.... (from the album that we would listen to at my Uncle's place that Summer after graduating from High School....
And Always remember to look on the "Bright-Side" of Life....(even if there is None...)
And one of my favorites (to "sing along with")...
And of course a bit of CCR...!!!
Listening to some older "pleasant" tunes for a bit as we sip on our coffee...
Still saddened over having not been able to replace my Sweeney Todd figure (well out of our "price-range")... Well, still have my "second edition"....
Just sitting here (game "crashed") so went on-line for now...
And my new Captain made the "Most Popular New Creations" list at "Spore.com" !!
The lower body gave us a Lot of trouble to make (first attempt at some-type of a "Robe")
an "Undead" this time... Took a while of game-play to get him the "Cape"...
We are rather pleased with the end results of this design...
(the small damaged spot is from a small green worm)... re-poisoned entire length of vine
growing Larger..... and coloration starting....
hope that it makes it... not much luck at growing a Pumpkin since 2011....
Just feel so "helpless" to help the dog...
A lost dog... (very well cared for "inside" dog)... Clean and can tell that its hair is groomed regularly... Someone's special family member... very well behaved and "people-friendly"...
Here is an image of this lovable Dog....
Really hope to reunite it with owner... cannot breath well so cannot walk around asking all neighbors (No telling from which street it came).... I know this is a cared for beloved "Friend" to someone... and am saddened that I am helpless to fix this...