Sunday, July 3, 2016

We do Not Need This....

Things trying to go "badly" ... sit down to relax and get my Spore game working...
Then after the last of  visitors had left... My friend arrives at back door  and lets in a wild (totally feral) Cat into my house.... it darted past him  I got up to see what he said... a tabby kitten slammed into my leg bounced off and rushed towards the corner where I normally sit....

... now, have a terrified kitten hiding beneath the chest-of-drawers just behind me....
... we will have to wait till later to try and lure it out with a bit of tuna...then feed it again on the back porch when it wants more... that should get it out of my house...

so for now... just sitting here with it hiding behind me... we do not need to be badly clawed by a "wild animal" (the snake , having chewed on my hand  for over three minutes was bad enough... mostly cleared up but still hurts...mainly below the thumb....)


  1. Then while posting this a Friend "prank called" me...
    Said that was the Police... then went to ask me about a Friend... Nerves not at their best... (meds refill mid-week) .. So, trying our best....
    So... for now more stressed.

  2. as we have said.... Never a dull moment....
    Hello from Marshville....

  3. Set out Tuna.... still waiting on Cat... Front door ajar... and Kitchen blocked off.... may remove bottom two drawers to access kitten... Unsure just "How" to deal with this.... and Friend ("prank call"... just in town to see Family and get some fireworks for tomorrow evening) He even brought me a couple of beers...... Now just sitting here... and waiting on Cat....

  4. Nearly 4:30am .... need rest.... will leave set up as is... and hope that kitten will Leave...

  5. Replies
    1. Not yet... we have blocked off some areas to force the cat outside...

    2. Spent the day moving things and directed an "escape route" out the front door... Blocking off areas,as well
