The "horrors" of my youth and my attempt at a Pumpkin Patch...and many other things...come on into the Crypt and look around... Dr. Theda
Sunday, July 31, 2016
What is up with All of these "Views"
just over the last half of this month... Number of Views has risen...
This is all very confusing to us and so many Views from Russia as well...
Thank you good viewers from our Crypt (in the States)....
Saturday, July 30, 2016
The New (Jared Leto) Joker in Suicide Squad" comes out Friday....!!!
Let us hope that He gives a Good performance....
been a very quiet ... almost "peaceful" weekend, thus far...
Just sitting here in my corner....
hope that you and yours are having a pleasant Saturday... rather hot (& humid) here....

Maybe we should choose our "Friends" more carefully..... Though some of these we have known for many years... and Not like us to just "drop" them like That....

was going to post earlier on how my so-called "friends" had "outcast" Stacey.. mostly because we (at least we "thought") spoke with the troublesome couple of "former Friends"...

we sat outside and spoke for about 1/2 an hour... returned to her her Grandfather's Bible ( that she had left here over a year past and we had recently found)... and for our "consorting with the Enemy"... we are being (to some extent)... "outcast"....sorry... but, They are not "hurting my feelings".... only making Stacey dislike "Humans" even more...

For the most part... They (humans) do All deserve to Die...!!!
been a very quiet ... almost "peaceful" weekend, thus far...
Just sitting here in my corner....
hope that you and yours are having a pleasant Saturday... rather hot (& humid) here....

was going to post earlier on how my so-called "friends" had "outcast" Stacey.. mostly because we (at least we "thought") spoke with the troublesome couple of "former Friends"...

we sat outside and spoke for about 1/2 an hour... returned to her her Grandfather's Bible ( that she had left here over a year past and we had recently found)... and for our "consorting with the Enemy"... we are being (to some extent)... "outcast"....sorry... but, They are not "hurting my feelings".... only making Stacey dislike "Humans" even more...

For the most part... They (humans) do All deserve to Die...!!!

Friday, July 29, 2016
Hope that Your Day is Better than Ours...

was just billed for my regularly scheduled blood-work and check up... (about every 3 months)...

Due to "Obama-Care" Changes... we will be unable to afford the "Deductable" portion.... so fewer visits...
Near "explosion"... lighter "ruptured... flung it into other room (land next to heater , with fuel) ... quickly tossed it outside... (just while posting this).... Never a "Dull Moment"...
Hello and a Pleasant Friday to You...

my Friend was only able to stay a short visit... Great to see him anyway...
... and that "meth-Bitch" is Not that "pretty", sorry about that old witch...
his Lady is calling another 16 year old girl to "kick her a$$", and teach her to leave folks alone..

as for my breathing meds... Not covered by insurance... so will just have to do without...
Thursday, July 28, 2016
So Very Many "Bad Things" and B.S. "Drama"....
We had him choose a "replacement"

My good Friend is here... ( so, at least some form of "support" in these "times of Trouble"..)
He even got us a few (much needed Beers ...!!!)

He is "concerned" about my "problems" and about to have his Lady sick an "underage" girl upon her to get the "point"

" Shut Up... and leave me and my Home alone !!!"

Riding out in a few to the "Haunted Creek" to get out of this house...
He is the Only one to have Ever "talked" Stacey into riding a Motorcycle ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really Cool Bike....!!!!!!
How About a few Creepy Cartoons.....??

was watching a bit of You Tube...
Ran across this collection of "Student Films"... (the one with the "Hamburger" at the end, we have never seen.... did even make us smile a time or two...
Very Hot....

and breathing (is at best ), is harsh... well the Gov. decided that we no longer need our main inhaler (Pharmaceutical companies of this country, decided to greatly increase its cost for their Profit))

They know that some folks have to have it..(Like us)...breathing very "shallow"....getting light-headed if we stand... covered in sweat... the little fan upon me does little good...

My secondary inhaler is about All that we have now... Thank You "Obama-Care"....!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will have to just sit her (taking shallow breaths)... Breathing, something that people just take for granted...
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Playing a New Captain....
Head ripped off... one arm and the way his dangling intestines wiggle about as he moves....
the "blasted" remains of a Scientist....
How about an early 80's tune...???
one of my "Goriest" creations....
the "blasted" remains of a Scientist....
one of my "Goriest" creations....
Just Sitting Down to a Quiet Evening with a Pot of Coffee...

Without visitors this has been a rather "peaceful"evening...
Friends will be missed ... oh well,....
We still have the voices in our head... so not really "alone"...
this "Mess on a Platter" is the Captain that we have been running to keep mind off of "issues"...
8:00am Here...

was off rebuilding my Spore game...
Since we can no longer play the Captains that we made, we have to start "Somewhere"...
just worked him up to 7th level "Scientist" (Rank : "Doctor")... and got him his "jet-pack".
My Newest Captain ..."Death Cryborg"...
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
"Things" to be "pondered" over....
Had time to view "issues" (from more than a few "points of view"... each with its own arguments of "pros-&-Cons")... Not fun .. leaves terrible headaches....

Little (if "anything") in up-coming "Future" looking very "bright" (No "Bright-Side" upon which to Look)... Can take No More of All of this BS "Drama" (brought here by others)...

More than Anything else... I want to grab up All of my "Stuff" and run-away from Here....

Will try to pst more later, sorry about that.... may make a pot of Coffee (though almost no sugar till later tomorrow)... and Try to think of a reason to "Smile"... (None come to mind)
Had time to view "issues" (from more than a few "points of view"... each with its own arguments of "pros-&-Cons")... Not fun .. leaves terrible headaches....

Little (if "anything") in up-coming "Future" looking very "bright" (No "Bright-Side" upon which to Look)... Can take No More of All of this BS "Drama" (brought here by others)...

More than Anything else... I want to grab up All of my "Stuff" and run-away from Here....

Will try to pst more later, sorry about that.... may make a pot of Coffee (though almost no sugar till later tomorrow)... and Try to think of a reason to "Smile"... (None come to mind)
and we do have "blue eyes", as well...
May be back to post later... Not so well at present,... sorry
Only takes a few Minutes for Everything to Turn to CRAP...

Started with my getting "upset" over that "Meth-addicted Stalker Bitch" slowly emerging from the bushes across the street...

Then, "former Friends" dropped by... further upsetting the (guess now "Former") friend...
with whom we were arguing the point of his saying ... she is just walking down a public street... (would Not listen to the Fact that the shrubberies are Not the Road)...

So guess that we have Lost a friend... and we have so few...
Not taking things very well... seems that it is a "Crappy" World, after-all...

Another Name for HELL....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope that You All are Well Today...
Election time is nearly upon us (Thanks to "Jim Smash" for this Fun gif)
a bit of "digestive" issues for me (cannot eat)... the bit of chicken salad we had on a piece of bread was "loaded" with Bell Peppers ( we are Very allergic) ... so feeling rather poorly as well as hungry...
tried a piece of bread with a bit of butter earlier, thus proving to myself that we can consume No food for a day or two... (was lucky it was only a small amount consumed)...
a bit of "digestive" issues for me (cannot eat)... the bit of chicken salad we had on a piece of bread was "loaded" with Bell Peppers ( we are Very allergic) ... so feeling rather poorly as well as hungry...
tried a piece of bread with a bit of butter earlier, thus proving to myself that we can consume No food for a day or two... (was lucky it was only a small amount consumed)...
Monday, July 25, 2016
In Better Spirits than Usual...
Wish that we could share the video (on their cell-phone)... LOL..
Wish that we still had as much "Youthful Energy" as them...!!
We Thank them for the "Smile"...
Well, Monday ... Again...

Hoping that you good viewers are well this day.....

Evening did go so "great" .. but enjoyed the company...
Walked my young Friend over to his friend's home... came home and went to bed...

drinking on a cup of "room-Temp" Coffee for now (left-over from last night...)
just over a week till we can buy a bit of food-stuffs.. Only peanut butter and a few pieces of bread for the present... We have been Much worse off in recent past... so Thankful for that which we Do have...

... and Hello from Marshville..
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Hope that Everyone had a Great Weekend...
So, sometimes Life gives us "Problems"....
Still more of the continuing (BS) "drama"...
.... Too bad you cannot use this coupon....
Well we have our Spore game back ( though an almost empty galaxy) .... Even got to hang out with some new young friends.... they seem cool..completely broke till the 3rd.. ( my Sister got usa bit of "food-stuffs"...)
So no matter how bad things may become... Try to keep on going,... that's all that we can do and Always be thankful for the "little" things" in your lives...
Still more of the continuing (BS) "drama"...
.... Too bad you cannot use this coupon....
Well we have our Spore game back ( though an almost empty galaxy) .... Even got to hang out with some new young friends.... they seem cool..completely broke till the 3rd.. ( my Sister got usa bit of "food-stuffs"...)
So no matter how bad things may become... Try to keep on going,... that's all that we can do and Always be thankful for the "little" things" in your lives...
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