Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Now That We have Scared Ourself.....

        The story of the Hole.... That brought  back some long ago memories....

                  Besides , we have more current "Things" with which to deal......
                                    it has been a bit more "Active" lately.....
          It had been messing with the blanket that we hung (to keep any "warmth" in this room)....
It passed by the doorway last week while a Friend was visiting..... A "shadow" passed the hanging blanket.... But, there was Nothing visible passing the gap at the bottom..... So, it cast a Shadow and nothing was there to do so..... My Friend has encountered it before but was still startled at its "activity"..... This is one of the reasons that we keep the lights on ... even during the day.... And "it" is more active during the day .... seldom shows itself to me ... but it does enjoy "spooking"  visitors to my home.... some of whom vow to never return.... saying "There's Something in that house"......

1 comment:

  1. We even sleep in the living room with the lights on....
    Often staying up till dawn or a bit later before trying to go to sleep.....
    ... and since that "Face" scared the hell out of me... we normally sleep fully clothed....
    ... in case we should need to flee the house.... As we have said before..... Never a Dull Moment.... so it keeps me "on guard" at all times.... so we tend to be overly "cautious"....
