Monday, December 29, 2014

How About a Song.....

                                                        ... a couple of older tunes....
                            Been Thinking way too much... just me and the "Voices".....
                                                                        Tom Petty ....

                                                                          and Styx....


  1. Giving "Serious Thought" to the "Dark Side"...

  2. Hmmm - no posts from last night. I sure hope your internet is just down and that your "ok". The dark side does not sound that swell.

  3. Oh, but the "Dark Side" has its "benefits" ... just the "end results" can often be very "unpleasant"....
    Hello dear Lady M.... sorry our Mind was giving us more "troubles" than usual lately... So far, Today we are feeling much better and the "voices" are Not fussing at Stacey yet... so we feel great... (compared to how we have felt for some time)...
    We are actually "Smiling" today....
    A great day to you and yours...
