Saturday, July 14, 2012

What Would You Think of Dr. Theda As A Weekly "Horror Host"

                                 Its Not letting me do Large "gifs" any more ...Sorry Kiddies....
I was once Dr. Evil's "Butler" on one of his Shows ... I still have a few "connections" with some people who might could "Put in a word " for Me... Besides There is only "Crap" on later some nights....
 A short "test-Run" ...See if it gets "ratings.... I could probably even get "Dr. Evil" to come out of retirement to do a "guest -Spot"....
                                              What do you think kiddies is it even worth a Try..???

And I learned Set And prop construction at a very young age,,, Something as a "back-drop' that could easily be folded and set out of the way till next use...  So my "Set would not cost them but a few dollars... and I can "cheaply make most Any Prop needed... and I am sure that I could persuade "Morris Costumes" to assist a bit... >.. Post Your Opinion....

                                     No One Locally Knows more about "Horror" than ME....!!!!


  1. Better Than Robbing Another BANK...!!!

  2. Hosting a horror show would be awesome! Definitively worth the try. Show those young punks of today how horror is really done.

  3. I agree with Gabriel. Definitely worth a try! :)
