Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Welcome to the Crypt

We have a new follower ... Welcome Victor Buono   Things not running well here at present... Hope to have things back to normal very soon... So enjoy our previous posts for now ...Sorry for the inconvenience
 ..Best wishes ...the Doctor


  1. Ha! Well, there's a picture I know well. :) I love how some crazy old lady is more or less pulled on roller skates through a room (at least that's how it looked) and we're supposed to believe it's OK. Since she's the caretaker's wife. The House on Haunted Hill is one of my favorite old movies, because of funny moments like this one!

  2. Justine, ha ha, I never thought of that. I always figured it was a dolly. But that old lady on skates is a hilarious mental image!
