Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another Post on the Phantom

Even the Phantom gets depressed sometimes
Lon Chaney's Phantom of the Opera (1925) has always been one of my favorite monsres since early childhood
A realistic full-size figure

the Phantom abducting his lady love

Erik found dead in his lair
Emerging from the sewers

Not looking very happy
Menacing the lady

the deadly chandelier

Offering her a choice
Even as the Red Death

cool image

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                                         He is my favorite of all of the Universal Monsters


  1. The Phantom's one of my favorites. Some great stills here. Have you ever found any stills of the scene at the end where he fakes out the mob as if he has a weapon in his hand? Thanks for the post.

  2. Sadly no images... only clip of ending
