Saturday, April 30, 2016

Posted Another Adventure at

                              A lot like putting together one of my old D&D adventures....
We posted (two parts)a new  Adventure with the god of the Evil Ones , ..."the Heart of Darkness"
And the petrified remains of the great Guardian....
                                        And the Ancient guardian is awakening...
                      since its release the Heart has been contained by skeletal cultists ....

                                               At the bottom of a large spiked pit
                                       The "Source" of the Evil Ones in my Game.
                                      And the planet has a nice "Smile" as well....
And a teleporter hidden behind this Stone Tablet (and the black skulls give "power-up" Armor to player) other little "hidden" bits in my game.

Witches' Feast...

                                      With Ruth Buzzi Agnes Moorehead ... "Night Gallery"

                                            Have a safe night folks.....

Tonight is the Night of the Witches' Feast...

                 "Walpurgus Night"... ("Walpurgisnacht" in old Germanic)

                Disney's "A Night on Bald Mountain" (from Fantasia) was about tonight.....

it is a night that the barriers between realms is at its "thinnest" and the "spirits" may roam freely about. A feast of "unleavened" Bread (and No salt) ... dancing "Wider shins" (Backwards, often back to back, rather than facing one another)..

                                For tomorrow is the "May Day" celebration...
                   And we will tell you of the May-Pole and the "Jack in Green"...

Thursday, April 28, 2016

How about a Song...???

                                                       A fun song about a "critter"...
                                                    Cute song for a "Smile"...

Posted a "Follow-Up" Spore Creation....

                The "Larva" that "hatched" from the Green Eggs that we made....

Game Crashed....

                                       Will be later till I build another "Hive"

Spent the evening playing a "formless" Lump... called it, "itt"... poor thing could not even climb a ramp....!!! No eyes and rather "useless" (another "Challenge" to creating a "Captain").
                                                   Exploring the ruins of a Base....
                                                We were able to better equip him.

Be back in a bit.....

Got things "cleared up" at Spore, com....  That  was"stressful"... and we don't speak Russian...
Things (and "ideals and beliefs") were "misunderstood"... (in part we blame "Google Translator").... Was called a "thief" and a "Steep" (had to look that one up...."arrogant full of yourself) we have very little "self-confidence" much less being a "Steep"...!!! had Explain to her that the "creations" from "Maxis" are for player use (to re-color or alter, and using them is Not "stealing")
We have made the "eggs" (opened and closed)  "re-colored too.
              Just part of why we did not post much over this weekend... sorry about that....
                      About to have some coffee and create a Xenomorph Nest for My Spore (may not post this one... need "Dirtymeat", the  Creator's "permission to use the "Hive parts") We have Permission from "Zeneth69" to use his Creations and have asked "Slooverall" to use her great Xenomorph Warrior Creature, as well.... So been a bit "busy" ... and "dealing with "things" Here...

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

And Remember to Smile...

                      Really liked the "sleeker" design of the basic Alien used in the 86' film....

A Great Stan Winston Design...

                               Back in a bit with More on the Alien Queen...

We will Post Later....

                      Still have to make tribute posts to the 30th Anniversary of Aliens (1986)...
                                                    And the Alien Queen !!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I was Told that I am "Noble"...

                                       A person (using Google "translator") told us this...
                                                    just the way that we were raised....
                       was Not in good mood, and read that comment at
we feel "humbled" by such a remark... not really Sure just "how" to take a compliment like That...
they Took the Damned Song !!! (guess VEVO and Larrs "disagreed")
                              Poverty and "desolation" are my "primary" feelings...
                                    But tend to feel little more than "King of NOTHING"...

Monday, April 25, 2016

Hello and a Pleasant Monday....

                              Things here not as "bad" as usual, so that is "good"...
                                  We are trying to have a pleasant day ourself...
                        Playing my "Skesis" Ambassador (Now at 9th level Captain)
               Played Spore for a bit and made a few new "Friends" at over this weekend.
                                             Another favorite song of my Youth....
                                           There are visitors for now, so, Later....

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Was Late this Morning before We Slept....

           And Awoke to find my Yard Mowed, Trimmed and all trash removed....!!!
                   Took us a bit to find out "Who" had done such a Kind Deed....
                                                     A big "Thank You" to them !!!
                              Screw the CAS ... We will play Joe Coker's version...!!!
Since about 4:00am Friday had  been trying to create Spore Adventure for posting (Did Great ... parts 1 and 2 are currently the most Popular New Adventures at Spore. com... !!!

And Many pleasant Comments from Players. All putting Stacey in much better spirits today !

Hello from Marshville , Last road on the left out Elm Street just before the cemetery on the Hill.

AfterTrying For a Couple of Hours....

                            We Finally got it to post another "Epic-Scale" game...!!!!
Love the "Sepia-tone" look to this Adventure.                          
("Something" took a "Bite" out of the "Big Apple")
      This time around, it is the "basted ruins" of a Large City ( New York, even)....

             Very "detailed"...!!! Have "pieced together this one for last few months....
                 Now we have shared this "Fun" "Template" with other Players...!!!
                      Rather "proud" of the way this one turned out...!!!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Well Posted Another Spore Adventure...

        After checking out the slain Colony, you go to meet with the Evil "Heart of Darkness"
A Two-part game with dead "Stanley and Clark ( played Many of their games by this morning)
                            The "Heart" is "pi$$ed-Off" and will then try to kill the player next...
And it sets the "stage" for Adventures against the fiendish forces of the Evil "Heart of Darkness"
We made"Dead" versions of these Two "Galactic Morons" So we hope that Players will enjoy the "different" Take on the "Adventures of Stanley and Clark"...