Monday, October 26, 2015

Only a Few Days remainig....!!!!

                                      Wishing you All a pleasant Monday.....
My Classic Universal Monsters"..... had much fewer views than we expected... oh well , we still "love" them ... and have since early childhood.....
                               Yes, "All Hallow's Evening" is almost upon us....!!!!
                                          And I still have my Pumpkin to Carve...!!!!

We will post this Make Up Tutorial later today .. (very east to do yourself)....


  1. "fewer views than we expected"

    It's not you are your blog. All blogs are receiving fewer hits

  2. Lucy is giving me the willies with that knife! And hey -- speaking of old timey movie monsters, check out my blog post from Saturday called "The Halloween Tag, Part 1"

  3. I love Halloween...the kids of today don't really know how to have Halloween fun..they don't know what TRICK OR TREAT means..if we didn't get treats when I was little, we did a trick...bunches of leaves on their porch..a porch chair turned upside down...tricks that weren't destructive but just fun...we'd do them and then run like the wind...hahhaa
