Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Went to Kill a Bug.....

Bug is Dead.... But due to an odd "accident"....  it ran under the jar of peanut butter.....
 so I picked it up and the bug tried to flee... I squashed it.... but. as I did so, my hand caught the edge of the pepper box (just got it Sunday.... so almost Full....)

The lid popped off and the lidless container flung up at my face... (lucky for me I had on my reading glasses..... so not much went into my eyes...) but my sinus cavity burns very badly... to the point of my lung(s) hurting... and everything smells like pepper...

                           so the bug had its "Revenge"... I was "Chemically Attacked"....!!!


  1. Just went to try to fix the metal molding on the counter... ended up also hitting to corner of the sink counter... small bits of the ceramic coating flew off and hit me in the face (luckily I was still wearing my reading glasses... so my eyes were protected from the small shards).. still ended up with a couple of small cuts on my face... one small piece was still sticking out of my face... ... All this in about 30 minutes of time... looks like it is going to be a "Wonderful Day"....
    my (good) lung hurts more than a bit... and breathing issues...

  2. Man, between the bug attacking you and the sink, you'd better go back to bed and stay there! It's safer.

  3. Dear Lady Debra,.... you would not believe some of the common items that we have been injured by in my past....
    ... Thank you for you concern, though... and have a pleasant day..

  4. i'm sorry you are having so much trouble, Stacey....

    1. Sorry to say, dear Lady we have grown "accostomed" to these sort of "things" ( as well as mostly "poverty.... which has been very bad in the past ... like having no running water for a year ... or the many months , in the past that we had no heat or power).... so (I mean it "sucks") but we try to make the best of the little that we have... and are very thankful for the things that do Not "go wrong"...
      ... we know that Stacey will never be Happy again.... so Any bit of "cheer" or "pleasantness" in my life is truly "treasured"....
      ... Remember to always be "Thankful" for the little things in Life... (sometimes that is all there is)...

  5. At least you didn't accidentally eat the bug.
