My new "Super Villain" ..."Bio-Hazard"...!!! ... (messed up and tried to have him "escape" when a "job question" came up... Should have taken the "Speed-boat" option... as it was He was "Killed"... lucky, I "save" a Lot".. so just went back and (without saving) started that game back... and he still lives)
Advanced two more to rank of "Criminal Mastermind"... and moved them into my main "neighborhood".... such cool "characters"... now to work on more of a "story-line" for things... and even have about 2/3's of the "business" portion "functional... so my little world is coming together rather "nicely"... still a Long way from "fixed".... but now enough included to make my Sims more "enjoyable"... and That is what matters....
From left to right .... Glen Quagmire... Lois,... Hank and Peggy Hill... and poor "Bill"...
these characters should add a bit "fun" to the Story-Line...
Kind of "sad" when you think about it.... but this "miserable little world of graveyards, monsters and such... is basically Stacey's idea of his own "Paradise City"....
We do so enjoy the creepy things and cool "Characters" who live there (along with "Stacey" sim)....
not quite as hot today (thus far)... Well it is the Last day of the Month of July... just sitting here sipping on last night's cold coffee.... Trying Not to "think" today....... it will not "solve" anything... only make us more miserable.... most of All "situations" are well out of my hands... thus very little to No "control" over these things... so "why worry"...
We will begin posting on the 4th Anniversary of my little "Crypt" ( in just a week)...and try to do more "upbeat" posts... ( we know that you good folks are tired of hearing of Stacey's "miseries"
... and been having to kill more brown recluse spiders... last night in just a bit over an hour... killed one on my leg , one dropping down behind my computer screen and then one ran up on my keyboard and then down in between the keys....!!! ( finally poured rubbing alcohol down in between the keys making sure that it did not crawl back out...)
somehow hurt my wrist in my sleep ( earlier in the week we twisted our ankle rather painfully while sleeping...) . been told that I often will violently "thrash about" during my sleep so I guess that is how these injuries occur
... had a bit of a "rough one" last night... awoke and could not breath at all...tried to stand and fell into the floor...thrashing about and gasping for air... finally... coughing up a lump of congealed mucus (about the size of my hand) ... it had broken loose from inside of my lung and completely blocked the airway...and of course here by myself ... so could do nothing...
... just part of dying... (seldom very "pleasant")...
Now to work on her "career"... (might start her as a "Scientist"... then switch he to a "life of Crime"..)
finally cool off enough for me to eat something... will most likely try to get a bit of rest soon...
a bit after 8:30pm here... and finally starting to "cool off' a bit...
And there is still my "Evil Space Terrorist" ( with enough of an "Arsenal" to take out an entire "Neighborhood" ,... by him self ( with the help of his "non-activated" Droid-Army")
The Sims that I was working on ... (The dr.'s moved out).. the other Criminal (ranked "Cat Burgler")...
"Bio-Hazard Mad Scientist"... that is the Name they (the game gave to him)...
(we loosely based his design" off of the "Winter Solider"...)
Wearing his "Toxic Waste" gym clothes here...
Then there is the "Bank-Robber",.... Dr. Big Brain Mad Scientist" (remember that We did Not "name" these... A large "Jack-o-Lantern with a "top hat" ... Dressed in the ("Tim Burton version") outfit of the "Mad Hatter...!!!
and the evil Female ("Cat-Burgler", as well)... She is an evil thin-faced "Scientist-type'...
We tried to make these "Villains" look the most "interesting" that we could (with what I have with which to work..)...
( On a bright Note... we believe that we have the parts needed for "Poison Ivy"....!! ( the "Seasons" expansion pack would be useful for her...)
The "Snydly Whiplash"-looking one ( ranked as "Counterfiter"... Two levels below "Criminal Mastermind").. that is a Sim .. simply called "Doc Mad Scientist"...
and thanks (mostly to "Mod the Sims" ...) we now have some cool and "interesting" Characters in my game world....
have not slept but less than a few hours early yesterday... body ( going on "nervous energy") and not at all "tired....
hope to feel like finally wanting to Eat something in a bit ... way too hot to try to eat earlier...
for over 30 hours now, we have been "Beta-Testing" things to add to my game (and "test running" them for a bit)... Each time that we try any "questionable" download... we have to save a current version of the working downloads folder....
Not sure of the "XNM" website these were downloaded over five years ago... but they are the ones who "created" most of the "Foods" things for my Sims... Thank You good Sirs....
New "Foods" as well ( well a few ... and for "Mr. Wonka".. Five ( one "heart-shaped") boxes of chocolates for his "Store"...!!!
"XNM" is also responsible for the "Candyland" items that we use...!!!!
Even added some "interesting "Characters" to the game-world over the weekend... (from King of the Hill" ... Hank, Peggy, Dale Gribble... and of course poor "Bill"..(been Having Bill Grill "Ribs"...)
Even added "Glen Quagmire" for a "laugh"....
and added a wonderfully "rendered" Sim of "Miss Emma Peel" (looks like her too...!!)
even added a couple of the "Universal Classic Monsters"... ( Frankenstein's Monster and Dracula)...
Then moved them into a Castle ( where I turned "the Count" into a Vampire...)
Too many "Things" ( just dumped upon All of the already existing "mess") ....
...just a bit too much to take... has caused us some of a "bother"....
One of the only people to have made it out of this "Town".....
Wish that we could call up Stacey (in 1982)) ... and warn him of a bit of the "mess" that will be his "Life"... and the many "mistakes" that left us as we are today.....
too many "old things" surfacing as well.....
Or as Mr. Sweeney Todd would say ... "Never Forget... Never Forgive"....
we tried to eat a bit of food earlier... but due to this heat ... we got sick.. and was that way for a good part of the day... finally about to have my first cup of coffee for the day now....
Have not even messed with my Sims today....
And the "Crack-Head" is out of Jail (again).... he was walking very slowly past my home early yesterday morning.... ( a "violation" of the Restraining Order).... but Nothing that I can do...
he has made threats to kill my dog and burn my house... and lives only 1/2 a block away....
We may take "action" First.... then we will no longer have to worry about him....
Yes we are Still Alive.... Not Dead yet....
was up all night till early morning.. ... it has been very Hot and humid today...
too Hot for Coffee at all... Stuck with my brother being here (indefinitely) ... along with All of his and his kids "Stuff"... House is already "crowded" with my years of accumulated stuff...
A cup of coffee would be nice ... will even have to wait till later in the day to eat... actually about 10 degrees hotter in here than out in the sunlight... does make breathing difficult.....
.... Spent All of my day at my Sims game yesterday (trying Not to think of things....)
at least we were able to install a "Sweeney Todd"....
another (almost a week) of being totally broke... even my Sister has very limited funds this week....
... so no chance of a "milkshake" or "treat" to help us cool down... Will have to wait till next week...
was trying to think of something "positive" .. or a bit "uplifting".... Sorry unable to do so at present...
yes "Poverty" sucks..... and now have the added "burden" of my Brother....
And will have the lowest number of "views" in 3 and a half years....
( Yes my little "Crypt" turns 4 years in just over a week..) ... had "hoped" for more pleasant times leading up to this anniversary
Health issues of late and other "issues" ( along with a lessening of the bit of money that I do get each month) Water rates went up again... just me , using very little water, ... my water / sewage bill is now over $170.00 per month..... and still trying to get caught up on the power bill..(from cooler weather)... No way could I afford the power to even run (part time in only one room) any air conditioner...
... Social service told me a while back that to get a simple "box Fan"... there was a waiting list of well over a 1,000 ahead of me...
... so broke and sweltering in this heat.... things could still be "Worse"...
How about a bit of Ozzy (Live from Charlotte)...
I started this post well over an hour ago.... not even going to begin to tell you good folks of the Many "interruptions" during this post... well "never a "dull moment".... maybe one or two things were not too bad... everything else , has me now wanting to crawl into a corner at the back of the house ...
Beginning to think that the best way to handle "things"... is to just stop "caring"....why "care" over things that you cannot control or do much of anything to improve.... just sit back and accept the fact that Stacey will die in poverty and misery.....
... wish that we could say that we have had a pretty good run of things in this life... But, the fact is that Life has seldom ever been very "pleasant"... actually ... we are beginning to look forward to this existence to finally come to an end... for there is nothing "pleasant" in my future to which to look forward....
but there are many more "miseries" to endure before I can die....
.... So as usual..... just Here...
Sorry folks but my Brother... ( and I do love his Kids).. is a lying, scheming piece of human crap (for the most part")
Just another "concern" to bother us for now...
"Thinking" to be done for now....
Found out that my Brother's Stuff.... also comes with ( at least "part-Time")... , My Brother...!!!
just woke up to the fact that someone had been in my home...
the only picture that I could find is a older "Mug Shot"...
this "panicked me a bit... even the post that I use to barricade my back door of a night had been moved...... so I cautiously began to "explore my home... he left the toilet "un-flushed" ( full of "Crap") and discovered that the side room light was Not working... took my eyes a second to adjust... and there was my Brother lying in the side room ... (having climbed over all of his Boxes...)
.... this song could prove to be "true" for Stacey.... Time will tell..
Right now the fact that he took down the "security measures" that we put in place if we leave... and when I sleep... so he mostly managed to "destroy" Any sense of "security" that I had ... ( doubt that Stacey will leave this house again until I can better secure it....
Not really "Mad" at him... just he managed to leave me feeling "unsafe" and unable to protect my home... do Not want to resort to "Booby Traps" again .... (gotten some rather bad injuries from running into them first thing in the morning...
Not "good" and have no idea of the "duration" of this "mess"...My Sister has already told him that He will Not stay Here...!!!
...if he gets mad at Stacey and even "threatens" to "lay a hand" on me... We Will "Hurt" him.....!!!!
My sister was here that night that my brother was cussing me and threatening me... So I had a large knife in my hand (for "protection", if needed) the heat of the argument... the blade (short "tang" and all..). separated from the handle (which I was still tightly holding)... the blade went through the top of his foot (shoe and all) and out the side of his foot ... sticking into the floor... (my Sister was sitting right beside of him at the time..)
.. the last time that I ever pulled a weapon on him ... it was a "beer can"... he just "laughed" at me.. and said ..."with what... ,a beer can...???" .... at which point I ripped the can in half and said to him ...."No, Two Blades"... and I Will put you in the Hospital"... he got really "pissed" and stormed out of the house...
.. there could be some "Bad Times" ahead for Stacey in the very near future"...
oh and he is a "Thief"... so will not be "sleeping while He is here... I can go for days with No sleep...