Friday, August 8, 2014

Well Up and Running for Three Years Today....

                                                                             Been Here for a while Kiddies.....
                  So many great viewers over these three years..... We Thank You All.....!!!!!
                                      we are having our first cup of Coffee for the day.....
Our health was a bit better last year.... Friends even came by last year to help me celebrate Two years of blogging..... doubt that much of anyone will drop by this time....
And a Happy Birthday to my good Friend,...Dr. Theda....!!!
                                     We have no "special plans" for the evening.....
will just be sitting here at the computer... And my newest pumpkin died as did a couple of the small "hopefuls"( at least one looks healthy)... and still have my main pumpkin....!!!
For the most part ....just another Friday here.... Depression has been at us a bit worse than normally....
and we spoke with our Friend about her behavior... so things a "smoothed over" for now....
                                             .... how about a song for now......
                       yes Kiddies "Marshville",...."Paradise City".... just being a bit "sarcastic"....


  1. Happy blogiversary Doc. It's been a treat to enjoy all your posts over the years!

  2. Thank you dear Lady Voodoo Ghoul....
