Thursday, March 14, 2013

Vincent Price as "Dr. Death"...


                      For tonight's movie presentation    We give you 1974's "Madhouse"...

                                      a rather twisted tale of murder and madness....

                              And with Horror Greats Vincent Price and Peter Cushing.....
                                                      Kiddies here is "Dr. Death"....
Paul Toomes (Vincent Price) "looses it" when he learns of the movie-maker's diabolical scheme...
Tis truly a sad day ...For they have taken from us this Grea Vincent Price perfomance...
Apox upon those responsable for This...

          So sit back and enjoy this older movie .... it is well worth a viewing... Later Kiddies...


  1. And they lived "happily ever after".... Madness can do that Kiddies

  2. Not only is Price one helluva talent, he's also the only guy who can pull off a mustache. Mad skills ;)
