Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Morning "Shock Theater"...And Some Bad News

            We present to you one of our favorite monsters of more recent years... "Pumpkunhead"...!!!
Having stood before a life-sized replica of this "Beastie" at Morris Costumes.. was pretty "Awesome".
And don't forget to check out the Great "Limited edition" Collector's mask at the Devil's Work Shop"...!!..
So until the new CAS Law takes effect... I will continue to post the movies that I find on You Tube...
 The CAS (Copyright Alert System) is to be voted on March 25th.... It and the Pacific Trade Agreement,   Are to go into effect soon ... Thus Much material that you good folks enjoy of the internet ( as well as movies and music from You Tube) ...will be "Strictly" limited in just "what" you can view without paying Their Fees....
So enjoy your internet while you can... the Politicians have plans in the works to allow them to decide just what you can view....  This may not seem that bad at present... but it does throw open the doors for whatever other "Restrictions" they decide to put in at a later date....  Write your Representatives make yourself be heard ... or just sit back and Do Nothing... Yours (and everyone else's ) Loss...

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