Not the "best" of weekends.... (More than a bit "bad")... but we are still here.... St. Patric's Day was a "bust"... (had to wait till to day to have that beer)... not even a dark larger (sort of a "tradition"... well was).... Lies, Friends and a bit of "Drama"... As well as the being fussed at for the actions of Others...

was up since yesterday morning... (got about 3 hours of rest earlier)... guess up for the night... ( slow sipping the beer (meant for yesterday)... A lot on our mind as well... (even played with FaceBook a bit over the weekend... still have no idea "what" to do... barely comprehend "Blogging"....
... another FaceBook" thing... (based upon words that we use in posts there)... ... The last one is Wrong... our "Life" is seldom "Pleasant"... we just wish Folks a Pleasant day...
Too much on our mind....

(Most not really things to share or trouble Viewers with)... and some health issues...
Even a few (some a bit "desperate") matters and "issues over which we shall mull... (why trying to keep Mind "occupied"... to Not "ThinK'''. (too many "bad" thoughts...

And always remember to take the time to just "Smile"....
... even if there is little to nothing to Smile about... Things could Always be Worse....
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