Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Mostly been at Spore (to avoid dealing with "things")... the former friend (and her boy-friend) have been trying to get about the Only  people in this town who do think rather well of Stacey to turn against us...

                                                             "Beware of Trolls"...
Even my best Friend's Mom... (who had been bringing Stacey the left-over "Meals on wheels" dinners that her and her elderly parents receive... (rather that just throw away ones that they do not consume... She had been bringing them to me every few days... she is also the one that the two "Morons" called to tell their "tale" of my  poor painting... well, her being deeply religious... so she called me and ranted and lectured Stacey as well as  much "preaching"... She was later told by the "Morons" that I had called her and her Family "inbred"... and she has not brought any more of those meals... so we will be eating much less often...
                         .... like it says.... sure, we will be Fine... (or Not)... Time will tell...
And (due to continuing water line work... HWY # 205 has been re-routed down my little side street... already reported some of the damage done by these Many large trucks speeding up the road just outside... so very little sleep this week... This road is a bit narrow... so been "interesting to watch when two trucks (from opposite directions) try to pass each other... neighbor's yards next to the road have many )often rather deep) tire marks ... They will be complaining to the town to have that fixed...
                      ... so been dealing with local "issues" with very little success....
                  This is the most "optimistic"  Quote that we could come up with for now...


  1. and those are most of the reasons for the lapse in posts... and awoke (very nauseated) not feel that well to day... so laid back down till just a bit ago...

    1. Found out (from those that she said that she had spoken with) that she is not being "truthful" (she Lied)... so will just try to forget her "attempt" to rile Stacey up

    2. if you knew who THE REAL PROVIDER OF ALL FLESH was... you wouldnt have to wonder where your next meal was coming from....HE feeds the birds and even that poor dog that stays bound on your chain....HE hasnt let you starve to death yet...who is your GOD?? MINE DOESNT EVER LEAVE ME HANGING....SOUNDS LIKE YOU RE LOOKING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION FOR PROVISION....GROW UP AND STOP BLAMING EVERYBODY FOR YOUR OWN PROBLEMS....BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT U GOT...WE LOVE YOU STACEY...SORRY THE TRUTH HURTS...BUT AT LEAST WE LOVE YOU ENOUGH TO TELL IT TO YA.

  2. Tried to make a couple of "fun" post to "change the Mood" here... Later Folks...
