The "horrors" of my youth and my attempt at a Pumpkin Patch...and many other things...come on into the Crypt and look around... Dr. Theda
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Still Working on My Sims Game....
Even got back a few "creepy" character skins for my "Neighbors"...
Been having to save the Downloads folder (delete last saved version) and "update" by adding a piece (or two) at a time ... then "Beta-Test" play and see that new things "Work"... then save "updated" folder and repeat process.... Slow... but, making progress in re-building a playable Sims "Game-World"... Been at this for all but a few hours (sleep some) for days...
Been having to save the Downloads folder (delete last saved version) and "update" by adding a piece (or two) at a time ... then "Beta-Test" play and see that new things "Work"... then save "updated" folder and repeat process.... Slow... but, making progress in re-building a playable Sims "Game-World"... Been at this for all but a few hours (sleep some) for days...
Well (though most need other Expansion Packs) ... we are able to get a few "fun" usable Characters...
Even the Joker... (with "Criminal" Career)... and a "Ledger-style" version in another Neighborhood... (already worked him up to rank of "Criminal Mastermind")
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
11:00am Here....
About to rest for a bit... another download crashed things... "fixed" (for now)...
So far only have back a few bits of my old Sims game...
So far only have back a few bits of my old Sims game...
Been at Sims....
We were not very "flattering" to ourself as a Sim Character... but, more "realistic" depiction of Stacey for my Sims Game-World....

Also will add "Skeleton" skins for Characters shortly

for even more "Monsters" in my Sims....
Monday, January 29, 2018
Trying to get back my Sims....
Cannot get back Many of the objects (and Characters) of my old Sims Game-World.....
But a few "Monsters"... and building their "inventories"...

Even have a Joker (with "Criminal" career)...!!
But a few "Monsters"... and building their "inventories"...

Even have a Joker (with "Criminal" career)...!!
Saturday, January 27, 2018
We Have Sims...!!!

A partly "functional" Game-World... But still Sims2...!!!
only a couple of "monsters (and very little from my Old Game... No "vampires"... Zombies... Sim-eating plants... few "bits" that we can use thus far... a Long ways to go to attempt to have any semblance on my Old Sims... (Very limited with "allowable" content)...

Many "bits" to re-add... a Sims World to make My Own...!!!!
Thursday, January 25, 2018
A Clip we ran across...

What are your Summer memories on this cold evening...???
Hanging out at Forlorn Manor Today...

Will try to find a scary tale (or two) from the Library to post later...
Oh,... that's just Forlorn's pet Wolf, "Virginia"... today is her birthday...
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
A Pleasant Evening to You All...

About to go pour a fresh cup of coffee...

Poor Kermit... another Property of that "All Powerful Mouse"....!!!!!


Mostly been at Spore (to avoid dealing with "things")... the former friend (and her boy-friend) have been trying to get about the Only people in this town who do think rather well of Stacey to turn against us...

"Beware of Trolls"...

Even my best Friend's Mom... (who had been bringing Stacey the left-over "Meals on wheels" dinners that her and her elderly parents receive... (rather that just throw away ones that they do not consume... She had been bringing them to me every few days... she is also the one that the two "Morons" called to tell their "tale" of my poor painting... well, her being deeply religious... so she called me and ranted and lectured Stacey as well as much "preaching"... She was later told by the "Morons" that I had called her and her Family "inbred"... and she has not brought any more of those meals... so we will be eating much less often...
.... like it says.... sure, we will be Fine... (or Not)... Time will tell...
And (due to continuing water line work... HWY # 205 has been re-routed down my little side street... already reported some of the damage done by these Many large trucks speeding up the road just outside... so very little sleep this week... This road is a bit narrow... so been "interesting to watch when two trucks (from opposite directions) try to pass each other... neighbor's yards next to the road have many )often rather deep) tire marks ... They will be complaining to the town to have that fixed...
... so been dealing with local "issues" with very little success....

This is the most "optimistic" Quote that we could come up with for now...
Monday, January 22, 2018
Sorry Folks...

The "Rant" was from a "supposed" friend.... her and her Boy-friend are "toxic people"... and we took the advise of others and told them that we could Not have them (and the "problems" that they bring along) around here any longer... they did not "take that well"... and now "foul-mouthing" me at my Blog because we will not talk on phone (just politely say that we still "care" about her and wish them the best... then get cuss and told what a "piece of crap" we are for Not allowing them back...
Sad ... this was once someone that we thought of as a Friend... even when their Own Families had "kicked them out"... we were good enough to give them a place to stay... (one stole from us... the other Left me with a nearly $400.00 power bill)... and of course this makes "Stacey"... the "Bad Guy".... Sad but true.

The way this pathetic town "views" Stacey... And our mayor is (was ??) a Big Crack Cocaine Dealer... (so cannot talk "badly" against Dealers... (even those who Murderers ) .. and a Very Corrupt Chief of Police ("Pervert" to the MAX, as well)...
But Stacey (who even living in poverty) is a "Bad Person" according to the (Often VERY Corrupt) folks of this "pathetic" little Southern town....
That is US.... "Stacey"... the "Bad Guy"....
Its Monday...

Mostly been steadily at a War with the Grox ( in my Spore game....) ... seem to have lost track of time along the way... very little sleep for a bit now... worked on an Adventure (to post at as well ... first try ... the "Sewers (a maze-like "dungeon" setting) the "roof was too low...
.... about have a "some-what" Clear route to the Galactic Core...
Well into the Sewers to start this game... Portal (to the ancient Temple ruins (where dwell the Spiders)... The off to the Standing Stones to collect the idol and return to your Ship safely...

There are Tentacles and ancient Ruins (with giant Spiders)... and one area has a massacred Tribal Village.... remains of it people scattered about...
Many other "aspects to this current "Game-World"... assorted "plant-thing" creatures...

Saturday, January 20, 2018
After Midnight Here...

A Lot to have happened in just one evening...
Not going into any details... one or two had "pleasant" outcomes.... for now...

Beware of "Demon / Ghost Possessed" pictures, Kiddies... And a pleasant Sunday to you All...
Sunday Services for Stacey... (at least What this town believes)...

Found a cool "short-Story" Banshee tale... added to last week's post ... enjoy..

And remember to take the time to "Smile"...
Friday, January 19, 2018
a bit Warmer this Evening...
Half of the front yard still has its snow... but it looked nice (but very cold... lower 20's)...
Trying to be in better spirits today... been Heavily at Spore... (getting "Game Crashes"......
deleted one Empire (need to delete one or two more... may fix "issues"...)
Trying to be in better spirits today... been Heavily at Spore... (getting "Game Crashes"......
deleted one Empire (need to delete one or two more... may fix "issues"...)
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Demon from This Painting....
This painting that we did almost 30 years ago... was given to a former friend...
.... said rocking chair was steadily going and the closet door just repeatably open and close (no drafts).... So now we can send someone an actual Demon (as a "special" gift) as a "house-warming" present... (do you realize just how that sounds...???) and the Morons of this town will believe Any "rumor" of this type about Stacey... and they are supposed to be "intelligent Adults"... )
Word of Mouth....

Snow and very cold here in the South... not normal for here....
The snow in the front yard looks nice... (Shadow of the house keeps the sunlight from reaching most of my front yard..... Not enough for a Snowman... But not only feeling Cold .... but very "down"...
.... Maybe we should "strive" to become the "terrible person" ("Greatest Villain" of this Town, as these folks have said about Stacey...
Just 5 years ago was accused of growing "Demon-Possessed Pumpkins"....!!! "laughable"... but True These ignorant, backwards (often "inbred") "Red-Neck" Morons of this little Southern town have started at it ... Again... (just got about a half hour "Lecture" (from my best Friend's Mom) on the evils We are said to have done (been still doing ???) and this Town ... these STUPID people (to even "believe" such "Crap"....!!!!!!!!!!!!!) This is where I live ... where I am stuck till I can just Die...
A couple of "Inspiro-Bot" "inspirational" quotes ... (they go rather "nicely" with what we are "Thinking" for Stacey's (remaining) Future....
So Now we are accused of my "art-work" (a painting and a over30 year old drawing of mine ... "Summoned" a demonic presence into the new home of the girl to whom we gave the two to....

So, the local "Rumor-Mill" will have a field-day with this one.... sad but True....
Hell o from Marshville....
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Something that We Do not See Around Here Much....

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