Today would be his 50th Birthday...!!!! (damn , we feel Old now)...
Do not even know if he is still living... we last saw him back in 88' at my Grand-Mother's funeral....

He was awaiting trail for a rather brutal murder... (my Friend and Cousin, by marriage) had become hooked on Cocaine... he left his wedding band as collateral with the Dealer... when he showed up less than 2 days later ... the Dealer told him that he sold it... my Cousin was Upset... so the Dealer pulled a gun on him... so he grabbed one of the knives from the dealer's kitchen and killed him.... but he was so enraged ... he just kept on stabbing... (making a "mess")(said to have stabbed him at least 40 times)
the Judge decided to Make an Example of him (and the Dealer's Family insisted the their "piece of crap" Dealer was killed because of my Cousin being a "Racist"...!!)
So to "appease the Black folks of his area, the judge gave him 40 years in prison...
Have not heard from him since... our best wishes to my old Friend... over these many years, he has been missed... thinking of having lost him to a piece of Crap, Drug Dealer really "Pisses us Off" !!!

See, we do Not need to be "Thinking" much... Something very "Bad" could happen...
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