Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ground Hog Day....

                          He emerged from the ground (reminding us of a risen Zombie)
                                                       Bringing to mind this song.....
Do not know if he "saw his Shadow"....


  1. Nerves are not so good for now....
    person from Past (haven't seen in 7 years) just stopped by....
    ... not one of our "favorite" persons..... would rather not see them around....

    1. Last time he was Here.... we did Not "see" him... just he had returned to Steal again.... (had stolen my Friend's car stereo system a a few 100 dollars worth of tools...
      ... later that night came back and we were calling Police as he had returned to steal my friend's Car !!!
      watched as the car pulled out and sped away.....
      My Friend was talked into dropping charges....

    2. We will make sure to barricade the door before we go to sleep for a while... He will be at his work when I have more teeth extractions on Monday... But do Not "trust" him at all....
      Not someone that we want to see around....
      (unless we are talking "scattered body parts"...!!!)

  2. Good stuff, have a great weekend.

    1. and a pleasant weekend to you and yours, good Sir...

  3. Hi,'s my husband that is having tests..he had one today and hope to hear from it soon. Thanks so much for your kind thoughts...

    I watched Groundhog Day with Bill Murray again today...

    1. a "fun" movie...
      We did not know that "Mr. Sweet" is your Husband... we always thought that you were referring to a close Friend (as well as Neighbor)...
