Things may still be becoming Worse... and there is "Nothing" (legal that is) that I can do...
... like the song says ...."Move Along"....
this is Stacey.... a "sad sight" today... but Not ready to just "roll over and Die" just yet...
It may all be an "uphill battle against a Sh*t-Storm"... but we will trudge onward.....
.... and Refuse to just "Give Up:.... So what if my Life really sucks... and looks to be taking a "turn for the worse"... Never let things "Defeat" you in Life...
Though the times ahead look very "dark indeed...
Things can Always be Worse... and don't try to "take on" More than you can handle...
Would Khan have just "given Up"....??????

"From Hell's Heart I Stab at Thee...... For Hate's Sake...I spit my dying breath at Thee"...
(Moby Dick , I know)...
Go out "Kicking and Screaming" if nothing else....
none of this "go quietly into the Night",Bull Sh*t"....!!!!
We are Not DEAD Yet...!!!!
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