We realized something a few weeks ago......
Though we have never seen this "figure" before this picture was taken..... it was only recently that we realized where we had seen it before......
a few years back , only a couple of days short of my Birthday..... a "spectral Face" appeared in my darkened bedroom...... It hovered above near the closed door..... other than a slight bobbing motion it was just in that one spot...we tried to convince ourself that it was only a bit of light shining through the closet into my very dark room.... as we assured ourself that this was the case .... the ghostly glowing "face" floated down and then to the foot of my bed at my feet....!!! it just hovered there looking at me with empty eyes..... whenever I moved the least it would again return to me bed ... only inches from my feet.... as it would move close to something , its pale bluish glow faintly illuminated a few inches from this "face"...... I was getting really scared ... and home alone (as usual) so left alone in the darkness with this "thing"......
The face was horrifying....!!!! seemed to be made up of many tiny fragments ... much like "pixels" ... and they did Not move in synch with the other parts of its "Face".... Black emptiness for the Mouth and Eyes.... upon some of its "dip down and bob up" movements , it would leave a "light trail"... sort of the shape of a ragged Nike "swoop" ... this entity continued to terrorize me for the entire night..... !!!!
the glowing "trail" finally became sort of a "body for this thing... Though there was a big gap between the "body" and the "Face"..... We were too scared to do anything ... and any sound or even slight movements that I made caused it to turn its attention back to me.... too scared to even close my eyes....(Mostly out of Fear of it hovering just above my face when we once again opened my eyes.... If that had happened we would have completly "Lost my Shit" and probably ran screaming and naked from the house.... so we watched it for the hours of darkness.... at some point near sun-up we dozed off... shortly we awoke with a start.... and it was Still there... at the ceiling above the foot of my bed ... through the gap at the top of my thick , old dark red curtains that the sky was getting brighter... now it just hung there , occasionally slowly turning its "face" towards me... it seemed much weaker and its movements were very sluggish..... and as the sunlight grew brighter it began to fade it had been very "active" All night...!!! and now barely moved at all eventually fading out completely as the sun grew brighter.....
But, the "Face" of this "Ghost" in the image is the Same as the face of the "figure" pictured above....
This realization has eaten at my nerves a bit since we recognized it....
There are still the Black Shadowy things and the tall grey "thing" (the scary "skeletal thing that has been here for some years now.... also it is the one that enjoys Terrorizing my visitors.....) It was pacing in my kitchen last week , this time in grey robes ... these things do Not "vanish" when you look directly at them... They are there as if it does not matter that you see them.....
.... We have only entered the room ( and Only in Daylight").... about three times this year ... for very short visits.... too "unnerved to stay there for long..... and when we cut on the light ... it would start "buzzing" and trying to "short out.....
Now, judging from the picture now has a "complete Body".... we enlarged the image the other weekend , and after looking more closely..... it is that Same "Face"....
Guess you could say that this was the "worst" Birthday present" that we have ever received,,,,,,
Any suggestions as to "what" this Thing may be....????
Other than a few Friends and my former Doctor were the only oney that we have told of this encounter.....