Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blogger Challange ..."B"... is for "Barnabas"...

                                                        Barnabas Collins.....
                            The great Mr. Collins has been a Vampire since the late 1700's...

          He was one of my earliest "TV idols" as a small child ... (Him and the Joker and Penguin...)
At a Great website / blog ... "The Clollinsport Historical Society"
Mr. Frid at White House "Halloween party...

                                      To the late great actor Jonathan Frid, ....

                                  And then there is the Tim Burton take on things....
And Johnny Depp as "Barnabas"....
                                        The cursed Vampire of my Childhood....


  1. Dark Shadows was a great series. The film was okay too, though really different, since it was a comedy. At least it wasn't just an exact replica of the series though.

    The first time I saw Barnabas Collins was actually in the early 90's series version. I enjoyed it as a child, but wasn't so fond of it when I re-watched it last year. To be honest, I prefer the 60's series to both of the others.

    Also, I think it's too late to sign up to A-Z now, as the "Linky list" is closed, but I'm enjoying your A-Z posts regardless of that. Do hope you'll continue anyway :)

  2. Thank you dear Lady... we are glad that you are enjoying our posts.... We will try to have a "good one" for each letter ...

  3. Nice photos. Thanks for the post. I hope you see this. I'm going stir-crazy. I'm stuck in a project I've been working on for over 2 years and I can't find my people! No one reviews their favourites anymore. They've forgotten how. I'm in trouble. DS Fanfiction has suffered and so have the writers! HELP! (A little desperate, are we? YES!) http://xoiscythe.podomatic.com/
