Friday, April 12, 2013

"A-Z" ...."L" is for Lon Chaney's "London After Midnight"...

  Lon Chaney gave memorable Movie Monsters from the "Silent Era" of films.... "The Phantom of the Opera"....

                                       And the "Hunchback of Notra  Dame"....
File:Hunchback of Notre Dame.jpg
But the image that has been with us since early childhood was the "grinning face from his classic... "London After Midnight...!!!
Unfortunately, the only copy of this great film was forever Lost in a fire back in the mid-1960's....
Today only a handful of "stills" survive... truly a great loss...

these images are all we have of the Great make-up of Chaney's "Vampire"

Here is an attempt to recreate this Great Film...

1 comment:

  1. Lon Chaney's skills as a make-up artist and method actor were amazing. I'm sad that I never saw London After Midnight before it was destroyed, but so pleased that someone took the time and effort to put together the stills. It's probably got nothing on the original, but it's something at least.
