Sunday, September 1, 2019

"Reality" Deals Us Bad Hand again....

my young Friend seems to have been "banned" from visiting Stacey... very Bad move on their part...

                                there goes  the remainder  of  Stacey's "Humanity"


the "father" of  my young Friend is the "Crack-Head" who attacked Stacey ... and our home in October 2013... Shit-Head walked by (Closer than Retraining Order) "Smirking the  next day... We knew nothing of this at that time.... Will be BAD for that family... will turn matters over to some very bad people.... Hope that my young Friend is not there when They come for his Father.....

                             Been offered his remaining eye on a Fork.... (we "declined" offer)


  1. Calling it a night...
    not doing very well...

  2. Right song Prefer the "Who" version....
    thought was a Sweeney Todd video...
    oh, well...

  3. "Bad" rumors again.... not "Banned"
    ... relieved to learn .... some one just trying to "rile-up" Stacey
