Saturday, June 15, 2019


been a Hell of a Week.... Just starting a fresh pot of coffee.... the attack upon my brother (by his Boss)... was less than a week ago .... Father's Day is tomorrow.... my brother will wait till this Drug-Dealer has his son present to  ask about the about he attack...(he is trying for custody of his boy...
and legal issues of this attack will prevent that... and he will Have to make a "Deal" with my brother or charges are pressed ) ... My "quiet little street" now has at least three drug dealers....
.... Fat Ass (our chief of police knows this and extorts "protection" money from many of this town's drug dealers... Welcome to Marshville Folks !!!!!
been non-stop at my Sims 4.... (just got the Joker)..... gardening  and splicing plants... mostly what we have done (and trying to keep some favored Sims alive (not to die of old age... lost a few these  last two days.... Now installed Sims 4 Vampires yesterday... learning what we can to enjoy game-play...
                even have a Grim Reaper type character !!! So off to try growing a "Death Bloom" flower
                                                                  will be back later


  1. still at Sims (since about 9:00am yesterday)....

  2. Lately worked on "immortality" for characters So they can survive the "Mods"...
