By brother had a Bad "drunken rampage"....

he is at hospital (dislocated shoulder)... he was attacking kitchen and injured himself...
... prior to that went off at me (fussed at him and told him to stop breaking things in the House...
he threatened me... (PTSD kicked in) grabbed nearest item... bug spray... backed away a gave a short "warning" spray... he laughed at me and advanced upon me ... sprayed him well in his face...
he became more enraged... snatched can and sprayed me in face (do so to myself rather often killing bugs).... then he lunged at me and we grabbed first item we could... a crock pot....

I have never done anything like that ... and smashed the side of his head... cannot believe did so... he then attacked me ... luckily Friend was here to get him off of me... minor injuries only this time...