To speak with Dr. Shylock in the Lab....

(Front door leads to a "Death-Trap".... and your Captain Dies)
the poor victims are dismembered (usually while still Alive) and processed into fresh "Meats"...
The side door takes you through the Meat "processing area.... to the Lab door...

Here you talk to the Mad Scientist, Dr. Shylock....

You then are sent to check on a ship that crashed near the Spice extraction Rigs... there you find a badly wounded Survivor.... he tells you of how after the crash little blue men came and took away the bodies of his crew.... So you kill him and gather his flesh (for more fresh meats and return to speak with Mr. Creeping Terror...

by the "things" on the shelves, you can see that he like to "Collect "Things" (and Books)
Sitting in his special Chair at his Computers....
And the home of "Mr. Creeping Terror"...
one of Dr. Kessler's "test subjects....
Dr. Kessler (an old Friend of Mr. Creeping Terror has several such "Test Subjects" for experimentation... (Later, the victims to be cut up into more "Meats")