Censorship...... we thought that Free-Speech was one of our "Human Rights".....
We got some-what "upset" at "censorship" by Google over an "image.....
They would not display an image of this Historical military "action figure"
Apparently this was considered "Censored" as "representing "Hate Speech"........
This is a collectable military "Toy"....???
This Joke (in very "poor taste")
That would be something to be perceived as such .... Not the "Image" that we used.....
No "Offense" intended to our viewers.... But if the folks at Google are OFFENDED .. ....
They should be (By the "Joke")... the image was Not "Offensive....
Notice.... this post is to show the difference between "Offensive" ( the Hitler joke) .... and just an "image".... we did Not even use a "Real" picture of him ....