Hope that you viewers are well this day...
Much warmer here today ... in the 40's...!!!
My good friend called and is bringing his "Toy"... so should get some good areal footage of this dying ghost town this weekend...!!! So we will get to "hang out" for a bit this weekend... he has family and others to visit as well... we will just be glad to hang-out for even a couple of short visits....
... other than a few Friends (who drop by) we seldom even speak to (much less see) any people...
Severe Paranoia and this "Social-phobia" means that we are seldom around other people....if those "feelings" "kick - in" while we are out in public... we can have a panic attack (some of which are "Severe".. to the point of trying to shut down some of my body's "functions",,, and can all but stop our breathing ... and without breath , you will collapse)
at the feelings of the "onset" of a panic attack we must (rather quickly) get outside ..... away from all of the people... Onset "signs" are profuse sweating (regardless of the temps) a worsening of the bad nerves breathing issues become much worse as all the mussels of the chest tighten, often having to lean against something for support..
... One of the main reasons that we seldom leave this corner...
It shows no signs of "Agoraphobia" (Fear of "open areas" or fear of going outside)... it is our deep fear of people....
... that is another of our mental "issues"... we have discussed on our "Personality Fragmentation disorder".... we still have other "issues"... if it were not for my intelligence (according to the US Gov. is "well over 150") and all of my knowledge on psychology and knowing the "symptoms" that come before thoughts and mind get to us badly ... not at all good in a public place... we would probably be living somewhere where the nurses would keep regular checks on me an have to take many more meds)
All that and we have for many years been diagnosed with severe "Manic-Depressive" disorder... unlike people , who are "bipolar" we do Not have the "highs" just the Lows"...so Always miserable to a greater or lesser degree... there is No "being Happy"..
thought that we would give you good folks a bit of "insight" as to some of Stacey's actions (and the "state of our mind" in some postings )
... Wishing you All a great Weekend....!!!