Sunday, August 12, 2012

Story Time with Mr. Poe

                                         We give the tale of an evil Prince...and the Red Death...
As drawn by my favorite comic book artist...Tom Sutton...

                                                       Thank you Cousin Eerie.....
               And there was the successful Roger Corman film ..."Masque of the Red Death"
                                   with a truly Great performance from Mr. Price.....

The Prince believing  that Satan himself had come to attend his Masque ("ball" or "Party")

                                          Having had a busy night ...the Red death rests beneath a tree....
The other "Deaths of Pestilence" come gloomily slowly make their ways to other the lead is the Black Death Himself...
                          These Plagues devastated most of the people of all of Europe....


  1. Poe was a good poet also. A Demon In My View and To One In Paradise are two of my favorite poems of all time.

  2. One of my favourite stories by Poe. I love how the Red Death just eerily shows up and walks through all of the rooms.
