Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dark Shadows...the Game (1970)...

I can post "Front" one one post and a good post of the backings of these Cards...
I will post the "Board" it "overlapping sections"....
                                         I thought you many followers deserved something "Special"
....Thia will take some work and "printable" images. for you to print for yourself an put together your own copy of this "Wonderful" Game of my childhood.... I played it by myself with non-existentialist opponent...
 the game takes about 45 minutes to play... and is fun for the whole family...
                                      Hope to do this "right" for all of Many Followers...

1 comment:

  1. I have to figure out how to fix it so you can piece together the "game Board"...... This We WILL do for you good folk...
