Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year....!!!!!

                  2017 has passed..... Wishing you good Viewers a very Happy year for 2018 !!!

Nearly Midnight Here....

                       A New Year is to begin.... (hopefully better than this last year)....
Very cold in here.... low 20's outside...  even with this little heater still very chilly in this room... (rest of house like a refrigerator), just trying to stay warm...

the Last Day of 2017...

                                     have had better years... 2017 ends tonight...
                         Been very cold here (not even 30 degrees yet) and cold in here as well...

Many events have occurred over this last year... (for me ... Health issues were more often) we missed out on Halloween... deaths of a couple of Friends... (one was before but just found out a couple of months back of one death)
been doing rather well at Spore (as well as at players seem to normally like my creations... well, these posted creations will most likely out-live me... so we post them to share with others...  more than a few of the players / creators give nice comments and have had some Cool "Gift" creations made by them for me!!  For the most part, they are a good community of folks...
                                   Have a Happy (and Safe) New Year's Eve...

Friday, December 29, 2017

Been Away from Blog Lately...

Spore (often just to occupy mind so we don't "think")... from about when I awake till time for rest... so,... Hours on end ... Every day... Hope that you enjoyed the "Run-through" of my Adventure in that last post... we worked on that one quite a bit...
My New "Gift" creature (From creator, "Magma_Mirrors") and re-colored.. and worked up to 6th level Captain thus far....
Spore is a place that we can go play with our "Monsters" on many "game-worlds"... its an "Escape" from "Things" for us.... and can loose myself there for hours at a time....
Even have a Dr. Theda for my game-worlds.... 

A New Adventure....

                You start this Adventure in a deserted town.... then cross the covered-bridge....
                   In the distance you can see the Dark Wizard's Tower.... well on your way to his Cave...
             Along the way you encounter many of the skeletal remains of the dead villagers...
 But there are "Dangers" along this path... Spirits of the restless dead...
                                                        and evil "Killer-Trees"...!!!
                                                 There's the Cave entrance up ahead....
                                      An evil Fog permeates the cavern...
                                        The Wizard's Alter to the Ancient Ones....
                       There, in his throne-room,... you meet with the dark Wizard himself....
            He then sends the Captain to fetch his Book of evil spells from his tower.....
                                            Back down that treacherous trail...
                                                   So... off to the Tower...
      Inside... beware of the dark Tentacles that guard the resting place of the fallen Ancient One...!!!
                       Now that you have the Book... time to return to see the Wizard...
This was to have been for Halloween... but things came up and the Adventure was left partly done... just a touched up "template"... so we added some bits and fixed a basic "story-line"...
                           Working on a few other Adventures as well....

We hope that players will like this one... they seem to have liked my "wrecked" Space-Port one...
  ... So This is a "run-through" of the Spore Adventure that we are posting for players...

Been Working on an Adventure...

You start off in a deserted fog-shrouded village... along the way you pass their skeletal remains (as well as a few restless spirits)...
                              You then walk a treacherous path to speak with an Evil Wizard....
Been putting finishing "details" on a Spore Adventure (for posting at started it back in October (due to "Complexity meter" could not finish it for Halloween)....
He sends you to his dark Tower to fetch his spell book... (Beware of the Guardian Tentacles)
               Took a Maxis game (now a "template") and made a much "darker" version....
                                           And a reminder from "Inspiro-Bot"....

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Been at Spore...

Been trying a new Creature design as a Captain... (foundation for this creation is the Egg that , good "Magma Mirrors" is to "Hatch for us this weekend.... so addd some bits... and am running this poor creature as a Captain... )
This Captain (after working up "Captain Points" and adding Equipment" will be posted (@ as a "Gift" for "Magma Mirrors...

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Been at Spore a bit....

                               an "on-Board" Ship interior "template" that we were working with...
Working on an Adventure where Alien invaders are killing All residents (as well as some buildings)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

After Christmas....

                                                Well Christmas 2017 has passed....
                                    Hoping it was a Merry one for you good Viewers...
                                     We leave you with a couple of (dark) humor Holiday clips...

Monday, December 25, 2017

Not a very Good Day...

While waiting on my ride to my Sister's (for Christmas dinner) went to feed dogs... dog tripped me and I landed hard on my chest... (knee also not so good)... laid ion the ground for several minutes before being able to get up and "hobble" into the house.....

                                         So sitting here (sore) and not very cheerful...

Merry Christmas....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                 Hoping that you had a great Christmas morning.... (Sun's up... about to get a bit of rest)
                               and "Zombie Santa" posts after get back from family dinner....

Sunday, December 24, 2017

More Holiday Posts to come...

             Still working on "Santa Jack" (and Zombie Santa)... and a bit of Krampus...

                                            As well as other "Holiday Horrors"...