We are just starting a pot of Coffee... |
Hope that you all are well today....
The doctor told us yesterday that the Rotor-cup of my shoulder ...one of the main tendons apparently ripped or tore (about 3 weeks ago) ...They will notify Stacey to let us know what day next week that we are to get a MRI...

After the doctor visit... we went to lunch... after finishing my meal... I went to step outside... when I crouched down to look at the headlines of the newspaper... we lost balance and fell backwards...
... suddenly two employees rush out to see if I am alright... Everyone in the restaurant saw me fall...
Rather embarrassing.... only scrapped up my elbow .... And my poor reading glasses were in my back pocket... so now they are much more warped than ever ... (and fall off every time that I look down...)
Had to get some rest yesterday... ( we had been up since early morning the day before)...
Did create a new Spore monster... a crawling Brain...!!!