Thursday, May 7, 2015

Hello and a Great Mid-Week to You...

                                        .... about to make another cup of Coffee....
Sitting for a few.... still have clothes to wash (and dry then put away) as well as doing a bit of work on a part of my sewer line... (Really sounds like "Fun"...)
               Not even going to attempt the Wisteria vines... (Planted a few seeds 25 years ago)
                                 We will post pictures of them in bloom this month...
                                Then...should be able to post a bit more....


  1. Wow... a pleasant "surprise" for once...
    They removed all the cans and crap they had left on Table...
    The did a bit of cleaning up and I was not even awakened by them doing so...
    that was a sound sleep...

  2. they cashes in the cans for $4.50....
    well at least those cans are gone...

  3. and views are aroun "normal"... not as sunny today... but still a nice day in Marsjville...

  4. Had a good laugh at that coffee image! And it's all true, of course. Dancing Baby Groot made me smile too.

  5. Always glad to know that we have brought a "smile" to others...
