Tuesday, May 26, 2015

a bit More "Horror Mood"...

           These "Skywald" Comics first introduced me to "shambling rotting Undead Things".....
and this wonderful two-page tale of how Lon Chaney Sr. did the make-up for the (1925) Phantom of the Opera....!!!

                              Finally found that Poster.... (June 5th, 2015)



  1. His Phantom certainly IS the definitive one. A couple of years ago we went to a special Halloween screening of that old movie with the Edmonton Symphony playing the musical score. Very entertaining!

  2. The Lon Chaney version has been an "icon" since we were a small child...
    read the novel (English) several times before 8th grade....
    ... Noticed the the "Phantom" was a favorite o0f yours as well, dear Lady Debra...
