Friday, December 16, 2011

Things Spiraling out of Control ??

Well all we can do for now is hang in there ,,,anew year is coming and maybe it will bring better things into our miserable lives... We can always "Hope ... (To me "hope" is a "four letter word" ... I lost mine long ago) '
 why not press the button and join the "Dark Side" ... At least things would be more "interesting"....
 We seem to be at a "Crossroads" in our life ...and our short life expediency is a major factor in this decision...  Well we hopefully have a few more months to come to a decision on this matter..
And as I said the Joker is my primary influence since my early childhood ...What would he do in my situation..?? And to what extent should I follow his "example" ??

So have a "joker Cookies " and think it over ...We will be thinking things over ...                                                           ".. Turn to the Dark Side , My Son...!!!"
                                                As the Joker says "Madness is the emergency Exit...

 When the Burdens of your hectic  life gets too much and the screaming becomes unbearable ... there is always Madness....!!! ... Why not just loose ourselves in the insanity of it all ...Who wants to live forever  ( The same miserable existence till the day you die with nothing but a few fading memories to pass on ...and in time totally forgotten..) is this your wish for the mark that you did not leave on the world...??  Leave a Mark Make a Stand for whatever you believe in ... Screw the opinions of others ...Hypercritical "Holier than thou' opinionated Assholes  ...They Should mind their own problems... Hang in there And "Hope" for the best...
 ( "there is always Hope ..Only because it is the one thing that no one has figured out how to kill yet ..."

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